Friday, July 29, 2016

Growing up with story telling.


When was the last time your child told you a story? It’s time to unlock their imagination.

The new Colgate Strong Teeth packs come with interesting sea creatures & some trivia inside them. There are 4 different packs. Kids can cut, play & learn. What’s more? They could do the story telling this time by weaving their imagination together.
Well, this happened when the colgate packs arrived at my doorstep and the kids in the house ran here and there having fun in the cutting the characters from the packets and then rushing to the elders and family members around to tell their stories and their views. It was amazing how it involved the little ones and the elders in the family. It has been amazing and a great fun activity at home after a long time apart from the family events, functions and ceremonies. This has been a different way of having fun in the family. I would give all the credits to the team colgate for bringing such a great fun activity which could bring family members together and unveiled the learning within the kids and unlocked their imagination boundaries to a great extent. 
The creative narration of stories based on the magical mermaids that came out from them were splendid and amazing. They built the story on the sea animals, reefs, plantations, mysteries in the sea world and a lot more that kept everyone involved and kept everyone into excitement as to what would happen next and come up from the kids. Listening and hearing the kids imagination is one of the best thing for their parents as this tells the parents about the learnings of their children, about their potential and the direction of the impact that the near-by surroundings are having on their children, because it is the surroundings that impact the thinking power of the children. It has been coming as lovely and exciting experience to see the creative abilities of the children flowing in one of the most amazing manner where parents, kids, elders, and everyone else in the family are enjoying and having fun. There is nothing more delightful for the parents to see such as this to see their children narrating the stories and weaving them into wonderful patterns making everyone around them crazy, happy and joyous. 
Story telling has been a great way of unlocking and unleashing the creativities from the children. It helps in building up the children and also comes as a amazing way to learn as learning though visualisation, talking and sharing creates long term impact on the children. Also, such memories of listening and creating stories with the children turn out to be wonderful memories for lifetime. Such stories and narrations stay into the minds of the children for lifetime and come as a great learning for them. It helps them to grow SND develop in a fruitful manner giving them the important and essential learnings for life. 
It is important to inculcate the habit and art of self- learning as this goes a long way into building a successful individual as a whole.

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