Friday, April 20, 2018

#DefinitelyPTE - Making the right choice

If the aspiration levels of the dreams and goals is so high on point, one should not hesitate to make a plan for the next study adventure with the fears in mind for the challenges that lay ahead such as with some financial planning and logistical organising. Instead one should be sitting on the plane, boat or train in no time, backpack in hand, and ready to learn all that the world has to offer.

The first and foremost challenge that every international student has to face is the cultural shock one has to go through while one adjusts to life in a new country.

The biggest issue one encounters while being abroad is the language barrier. It can feel very isolating to be living in a country where no one speaks our language. That means many students studying abroad can find themselves feeling as though they're on their own, and this gives a feeling of homesick too at times.

Keeping up with our finances, be it earnings or savings, is another major thing to focus on. Of course, one may run into difficulties when one starts classes at new college or university. The language barrier will contribute to this, as of course the classes maybe in a second language. The layout of the classes and the way they're taught can also create issues as a student.

Preparation is the key to the lock of moving abroad for studies/work, so looking into preparing ourself for these issues and standing tall before them would wipe of the challenges whatever may come along.

The prime thing that lays before beginning the longer preparations is make the whole plan smooth for easy execution. It can begin with the right selection of the test, applying to universities considering all the parameters such as job, finances, field of interest, etc.

#DefinitelyPTE because PTE Academic is an English Language Test which is the smart choice for students and migrants needing to demonstrate their English language skills for university, professional and migration applications.

PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English Academic) is a completely computer-based language test that offers candidates the fastest, fairest and most flexible way of proving their English language proficiency for immigration and student visas. As an education or migration agent, PTE Academic offers a new and more efficient way of helping the clients achieve their goals.

PTE Academic is scored against the Global Scale of English, a granular scale from 10-90. The PTE Academic Score Report includes the test taker’s overall score, communicative skills scores and enabling skills scores.

Like any test, test takers should prepare by becoming familiar with the test format and learn how to tackle questions correctly. 

Pearson offers test takers a range of resources designed to help maximize their scores online:

Test takers can achieve their goals sooner, and save money, when they purchase online preparation packs allowing them to practice at home. These include a fully scored practice test that tells test takers when they are ready to book a full test - PTE Preparation Course

There are several test centres across several countries throughout the world which again makes it popular amongst the test takers.

Unlimited score referrals can be sent to unlimited number of institutions without additional fees via their secure online account. 

Some of the universities that accept the scores are University of Reading, University of Salford, University of Sheffield, University of South Wales, University of Southampton, University of St Andrews University of Stirling, University of Strathclyde, University of Sunderland University of Surrey, University of Sussex, etc.

Therefore, #DefinitelyPTE is the right choice at the right time in the career for moving abroad.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

An attempt to put an end to the water wars, Water Conservation!

Even in the present times, we can witness the beginning of the era of water wars. There are destructions that have begun in the nature. The damages to the animals, birds, trees, water bodies, mountains, forests, etc can be witnessed and heard quite often.

There are numerous instances where we can take several measures and steps which would aid in conservation of water and nature at large. Each small and single step would create a huge difference. Some of these could be conserving the excess amount of water which is left unfinished by members at home or guests. The water can be kept in the pots and vessels and fed to small birds visiting home in the balcony or rooftop. This would prevent great amount of wastage. A lot of such other ways are available where water can be put to efficient and effective use.

#CuttingPaani, an amazing initiative by Livpure is a wonderful experience which provides innovative ways and ideas to conserve water, some of the wondrous ways in which water can be prevented to flow down the drains mercilessly, helping us to champion the changes in the daily lives. This would not only save water but shall also have a positive impact on the future generations as well. The future generations should be welcoming their times, and enjoying their legacy, instead of pointing the blame torch towards their fore-fathers.

The current situation on water conservation is quite worrisome due to the lack of positive attitudinal differences among the people. It is important that campaigns such as #CuttingPaani are taken up in their full spirit and every individual comes forward to do their little bit, would create a remarkable difference in the world in terms of water consumption. 

It is imperative that each and every individual comes forward to be a part of the actions of saving water and making the best possible use of every drop.

a) Using effective dishwashers, washing machines, flushes, etc amongst machines that rely on the usage of water need to upgraded timely as this would create a huge difference in water conservation and consumption. 

b) Second way could be take the amount of water for drinking, as much it is required by the individual. The excess of water can be collected in a separate container and can be used later to water plants, or for cleaning purposes.

c) Another way could be collecting water into small pots and keeping it for the use of water consumption of birds and animals. This would prevent the animals and birds from dehydration and untimely deaths caused due to improper hydration.

d) Collecting excess water and using it for washing and cleaning for the vehicles. This saves alot of fresh water.

e) Filling the water left in the glass into the water bottles, saves in a lot of water flowing down the drains. Making use of water bottles is a wise choice.

We don't need to be a leak in the pipeline, we need to prevent water loss. It is rightly said that if there would be million years, there would be nothing that would grow in beauty if it was not surrounded by water.

These are some of the small initiatives and measures which would go a long way in conserving and preserving water to great extent. The campaign carried out by LIVPURE is a life-changing initiative for several lives and generations. Click here to sign the petition